Last week Zuckerberg announced about Facebook's new News Feed -
“More from your friends, family, and groups. As we roll this out, you’ll see less public content like posts from businesses, brands, and media.”
Thumbs up to Facebook on a personal level but SME - it may not be so good.

Adapting to this overhaul I've some suggestion to keep growing your business without handing more and more $$$ over to paid Facebook adverts
- Foremost: Go beyond Facebook, diversify your social media channels
- Spend more time producing genuinely relevant and engaging content
- Put engagement at the core of what you do without baits
- Use Facebook Groups
- Focus on your website, it should be a central hub to everything
- Interact with other’s post (comment, share and ask questions); remember social media is not only about you
- Encourage sharing your companies page post on your personal profile
- Social Media is not everything, get away from the computer and meet people in real life at networking meetings - it’s where relationships are built, it’s where you win business.
What's your take on this change!