Countless hours go in planning and strategizing detailed business plans. In most cases, all this effort goes in vain as entrepreneurs fail to follow their own strategy. If you don't know how to implement your own ideas then it is useless planning one. For proper execution, one needs to follow the 3 main core areas: People, Strategy and operation. The most important among this is the people process as it is the people who comment on the marketing changes and comes up with a strategic plan accordingly and implementing it into operational realities.
Here are some of the causes that lead to Lack of Execution after having a proper Strategy:
1. Lack of enthusiasm
If compared to the execution of strategy, planning is more focused oriented and takes a shorter period of time. Whereas execution is a much longer period of time and thus energy fades and enthusiasm wanes out. Majorly distractions are created and other issues or opportunities get prioritized. The most ideal approach to avoid such incidents is for the executives to keep the ball rolling and making sure that the team is engaged. It is essential to have support for each level of the organization to keep up center and increment inspiration.
2. Lack of responsibility and accountability
The most essential part of planning a strategy is to execute it simultaneously. Often it is seen after a briefing of the plan when it is the time to get in action certain confusion takes place over who is responsible for what, which results in overlapping or overlooking. To eliminate this hassle, managers must be clear about whom and what they are implementing work on. Quality undertaking the board, structure, and contribution from each level is significant in getting this going.
3. Lack of Management
To implement a proper strategic plan one needs to be flexible. Often managers fail to exercise on how to overcome and deal with the change and communicate across the teams. 70% of the time it is seen that due to employee resistance and lack of management support company fails to achieve its goals. Communication is the key to handling situations. It is important to have regular meetings and discussions throughout the plan, to keep a proper track of any changes that have been made and encourage involvement throughout all the levels in the decision-making process.
Management must invest energy in making strategy at first, however, they should concentrate on the significance of organizational culture, the executives backing, management and engagement within the organization and between their friends so as to turn planning toward results-driven execution